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Kadukkai Jaggery
In many parts of India, Masons use Kadukkai (Terminalia Chebula) and Jaggery, traditionally in Lime Works. What is their importance for being used in Natural Buildings?
Kadukkai and Jaggery are highly rich carbon sources. They are added after fermenting to lime plasters or mortars. On fermentation, they form complex chemical compounds that help in the carbonation of lime.
Kadukkai has carbohydrates in the form of tannins, it is a rich source of tannic acid. This bitter seed binds with lime very well and increases the compressive strength of lime. Similarly, Jaggery water increases the solubility of lime in water. It will be highly advantageous to even add them during the slaking of lime too.
Kadukkai Vellam Jaggery for Natural Building Lime
Kadukkai Vellam Jaggery for Natural Building Lime
Kadukkai Vellam Jaggery for Natural Building Lime
Kadukkai Vellam Jaggery for Natural Building Lime
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